Not all possessions fit neatly into, or are secure in, standard box sizes. Protect Belongings with Furniture Vaults Bekins use to better secure their environment. Their provide secure containment and access that does not require packing destruction for customs inspection. If short term storage is needed the vault allows easy secure removal from the shipping container. Releasing the shipping companies container means not having to pay them too. Plus your possessions end up being stored inside rather than being left out in the shipping yard exposed to freezing or other elements.
The Bekins Furniture Vault is also a great way to store possessions for those months until you return from a foreign assignment. Internal bracing allows for heavy oddly shaped possessions such as; statues, shop equipment, safes, and more. They can be isolated within the vault before being moved into our environmentally stable warehouse facilities.
Moving Internationally is Easier with Bekins Furniture Vaults.
Moving to a new country has uncertain aspects. Some clients choose to move their most important possessions and leave others in storage until they confirm how things are working out. This allows them to adjust to the room sizes in their new country. It allows them to shop for replacement items from local vendors. If they can’t find a chair that fits how tall they are it is easy enough to later shit their Furniture Vault to them. Alternately, after retiring to that new country it may become evident the medical facilities then needed are not as adequate as the ones in Canada. Like many things in life, when the service costs less it is often accompanied by and aspect of reduced availability.
• Bekins Furniture Vaults allow access while in storage.As time passes, you may want to start using or disposing of stored possessions. It is all part of the service Bekins provides.
The Bekins Custom Built Storage and Processing Facilities
Bekins has been custom building is storage and processing facilities since the early 1900’s. As you will see, much has improved since then but the original concrete and steel style of construction has remained fundamental.
Constant monitoring of each areas temperature lets protocols for environment stability to be triggered. In winter, summer, rain or shine, things change… just not for the possessions in storage.Temperature stability is maintained. The stress of expansion and contraction from constant daily changes is avoided. Also avoided are damaging glue and other adhesive joints or the more rapid oxidation of painted surfaces.
The culture of storage care starts with basics. Sweeping up is our secrete start to having the cleanest storage facility. Everyone is proud of their part in delivering the cleanest storage and international move processing facility.
Mechanized controls of our 40,000 lb shipping docks and loading bay doors are examples of using the right tool for each task. Our job is to quickly and effectively process international storage. Using the right tool for each job is the best way to do that.
The forklifts are workhorses managing storage movement. When not used they are recharged and stored in specially designed safe locations that meet safety protocols.
Staff training, the latest fire control equipment and a complete fire suppression system for the backbone of fire suppression protocols.
While your possessions await their next home, they can rest comfortably at Bekins.